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Description: This package provides two classes: RDQL_db is a class to store and retrieve (delete) RDF documents to a MySQL database. RDF documents are parsed and then stored as RDF statements. The second class RDQL_query_db implements the RDQL language for RDF documents stored with the first class. Since documents are parsed when stored the RDQL class doesn't parse the documents improving the querying speed.

RDQL DB(class_rdql_db.php)
PHP XML Classes
RDQL DB (class_rdql_db.php)

Description: This class implements the RDQL language to query RDF documents stored in a MySQL database. The RDF documents can be stored, retrieved and deleted from the database using the RDQL_db class, documents can be stored from file paths or URLs

Since RDF documents are parsed and stored in the database as RDF statements the RDQL implementation is fast since the database is scanned for RDF statements without the need to parse the document (parse once, query many).

There're two classes in this package to be used: RDQL_db implements methods to store,delete and retrieve documents while RDQL_query_db implements the RDQL language engine.

  • 2002-07-03 First version of this class released.
This class code as well as the documentation are hosted at SourceForge please visit our SourceForge page for releases, documentation, bug-tracking, support forums and mailing lists.

Resources Requirements
  • PHP 4.0.5+

Features To-dos
  • Documents are parse before being stored in the database
  • You can query multiple documents or use * to query all documents in the database
  • If you have a suggestion please let me know it

Contact: Luis Argerich

Detailed description and usage:
Using the class:

First of all you need to create a mysql database and import the RDQL_db tables structure to that database, if your database is named foo you can do it using:
mysql foo < rdql_db.sql
This will create all the tables needed by the RDQL_db and RDQL_query_db classes. Now in your script you have to connect to MySQL and selet the database where the tables were created:
If you created a MySQL user with permisions only to the foo database or the RDQL_db tables just replace root,"" with the user name and password.

Storing, retrieving and deleting RDF documents

The RDQL_db class let's you store, retrieve and delete documents from the databse, examples:
$db = new RDQL_db();
$db->store_rdf_document("http://example.com/foo.rdf","foo"); //Store from URL using key=foo
$db->store_rdf_document("people.rdf","people"); //Store from the local file system
$db->remove_rdf_document("foo"); // Eliminate a document
$doc = $db->get_rdf_document("people"); // Retrieve a document
Querying the database

Once you have the RDF documents stored you can query the database using the RDQL_query_db class, in the from section of the query you have to use the keys as you entered them to store the documents, you can query multiple documents and you can even use * to query all the documents in the database. Example:
SELECT ?x,?y,?z
FROM <people>,<salaries>
WHERE (?x,<dt:salary>,?y),(?x,<dt:age>,?z)
AND ?y>200
USING dt for <http://foo.org#>, rdf for <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>
This will query documents stored with keys "salaries" and "people". You can check the file "example.php" for some queries, documents and operations. You can also check the RDQL tutorial for a description of what can you do with this RDQL implementation.




Extends: None
Description: This class implements the RDQL language for RDF documents stored in a MySQL database using the RDQL_db class.

Method Summary
 array rdql_query_db(string $query)
          Queries documents in the database

Method Detail


array rdql_query_db(string $query)
This method is used to query RDF documents stored in a MySQL database, the documents are indicated in the FROM part of the RDQL query using the keys that you used when the documents were stored in the database using RDQL_db class.
$query - The RDQL query, in the from part you should use * or a list of comma sepparated document keys enclosed by angle brackets. Example: <foo>,<people>
An array of result rows. Each row is an asociative array mapping RDQL variables to their values.


Extends: None
Description: A class to store, retrieve and delete RDF documents from Mysql. Once parsed and stored the documents can be queried using the RDQL_query_db class.

Method Summary
 string get_error(string $query)
          Returns last error message
 void remove_rdf_document(string $key)
          Removes an RDF document from the database
 boolean store_rdf_document(string $url, string $key)
          Stores an RDF document in the database
 string get_rdf_document(string $key)
          Retrieves a document from the database
 void set_warning_mode(boolean $mode)
          Sets the warning mode for class errors

Method Detail


string get_error()
If a mehtod of this class fails then an error message is set in the object and you can ask for it using this method.
The last error message produced.


void remove_rdf_document(string $key)
Removes an RDF document from the database, you have to indicate the document Key to remove it.
$key - The key of the document to be deleted (the key you used to store the document)


boolean store_rdf_document(string $url, string $key)
This method is used to parse an RDF document from a path or URL and store it in the database with a given key. The key is what you use to retrieve, query or delete the document after it was stored.
$url - URL or file-path of the RDF document to be stored
$key - Key for the document in the database
True if the document was stored, false if not


string get_rdf_document(string $key)
This method is used to retrieve an RDF document from the database using its key to access the document.
$key - The key of the document to be retrieved
The document as a PHP string
IF there's an error the method returns false and the error message can be accessed using get_error()


void set_warning_mode(boolean $mode)
Sets the warning mode for class errors. When the warning mode is true then if theres an error in a class method a PHP warning is issued. If the warning mode is false then no warnings are reported and you can access the error message using get_error.
$mode - True to set warning mode to true false to unset it


Extends: RDF_iterator
Description: This iterator can be used to implement the RDQL generic engine for RDF documents stored in a mysql database using the RDQL_db class.

Method Summary

This class doesn´t have any method


Method Detail

This class doesn´t have any method

Contribute!: If you want to contribute a class to this project or help with new versions of existing classes please let me know it by emaill Hosted at:
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Contact & credits
Luis Argerich

OSI Certified Open Source Software